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Log 33. Observations On Architecture and The Contemporary City | 9780990735212

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Log 33. Observations on Architecture and The Contemporary City

winter 2015

Auteur:Cynthia Davidson

Uitgever:Anyone Corporation

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 156 pagina's
'Log 33' delivers emerging currents and renewed interests in architectural thought. It includes a thorough examination of object-oriented philosophy: two essays offering contrasting positions on its value for the architectural discipline as well as a conversation between philosopher Graham Harman and architects Todd Gannon, David Ruy, and Tom Wiscombe. Objects are invoked throughout the issue in myriad other ways – in essays on the postcritical legacy, architecture and objecthood, shape and character, history and machines – highlighting the currency and multivalence of the term object in the discourse today.

'Log 33' delivers emerging currents and renewed interests in architectural thought. It includes a thorough examination of object-oriented philosophy: two essays offering contrasting positions on its value for the architectural discipline as well as a conversation between philosopher Graham Harman and architects Todd Gannon, David Ruy, and Tom Wiscombe. Objects are invoked throughout the issue in myriad other ways – in essays on the postcritical legacy, architecture and objecthood, shape and character, history and machines – highlighting the currency and multivalence of the term object in the discourse today.


Joseph Altshuler, Animate Architecture: Twelve Reasons to Get in Character
Noam Andrews, The Architectural Gesture
Kelly Chan, The Project Against Autonomy
Joseph Clarke, For a History of Liveness
Tom Daniell, Containment
Luis Fernández-Galiano, Weird Architecture
Kurt W. Forster, The City that Cannot Stay Silent: Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz
Mark Foster Gage, Killing Simplicity: Object-Oriented Philosophy in Architecture
Todd Gannon, Graham Harman, David Ruy & Tom Wiscombe, The Object Turn: A Conversation
Sanford Kwinter, The Nightingale’s Song
Jimenez Lai, /// inside /// outside /// between /// beyond ///
Mark Morris, Keeping Up with the Inigo Joneses
Bryan E. Norwood, Metaphors for Nothing
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, World Machines: The Steam Engine, the Railway, and the Computer
Luke Studebaker, The Business Behind Architecture
Plus: Snow globes . . . Urban forestry . . . and more...

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