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Insulating Modernism. Isolated and Non-isolated Thermodynamics in Architecture | Kiel Moe | 9783038215394

Insulating Modernism

Isolated and Non-isolated Thermodynamics in Architecture

Auteur:Kiel Moe


ISBN: 978-3-03821-539-4

  • Hardcover
  • Engels
  • 320 pagina's
  • 19 aug. 2014

What is the best way to consider energy in buildings? For over a century, the building industry has largely focused on ideas of insulation and isolation for its energetic practices. A growing movement of designers claim that other concepts and practices are required for the non-isolated energy systems of architecture.

The book 'Insulating Modernism. Isolated and Non-isolated Thermodynamics in Architecture' describes the history, theory and facts of the mainstream isolation technologies and the emerging alternative design approaches. It is a book on the scientific, material, and design history of building isolation; but more importantly, it is a book on isolated and non-isolated perspectives on energy in architecture.

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