PANELS should be sensed as a “whole”, made of clearly identifiable elements, and not as a heterogeneous sum of independent elements. For us, balance, is the key word because it allows offering a real visual course at reading panels. It revolves around three fundamental concepts: Interpellation : attract the interest of the viewer. Information : bring substance and comprehension. Respiration: induce a plurality of distances, release visual captivity. The panel layout can involve more “spatial” and “physical” relation.
PANELS should be sensed as a “whole”, made of clearly identifiable elements, and not as a heterogeneous sum of independent elements. For us, balance, is the key word because it allows offering a real visual course at reading panels. It revolves around three fundamental concepts: Interpellation : attract the interest of the viewer. Information : bring substance and comprehension. Respiration: induce a plurality of distances, release visual captivity. The panel layout can involve more “spatial” and “physical” relation. Visual impact of large size images calls viewer’s eyes from distance, they can almost make magnetic effect.