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Represent Royal Tichelaar Makkum | Marietta de Vries | 9789064507083

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Represent Royal Tichelaar Makkum

Auteur:Marietta de Vries


ISBN: 978-90-6450-708-3

  • Hardcover
  • Engels
  • 320 pagina's
  • 25 sep. 2009

Represent Royal Tichelaar Makkum describes the last fifteen years of the long history of this Frisian earthenware factory and the Netherlands’ oldest company. Under the impassioned leadership of director Jan Tichelaar, Royal Tichelaar Makkum is undergoing a number of decisive changes. By combining century-old craftsmanship with innovative projects by designers and architects, he has succeeded in broadening the company’s activities to include contemporary products in the fields of architecture and design. The production of traditional earthenware, one of Holland’s most famous national products, will continue alongside these new advancements. In this way, new products within both disciplines are being developed while traditional craftsmanship undergoes unique innovations. Represent Royal Tichelaar Makkum outlines the context which gave rise to these developments and gives a picture of the many inspiring products it has generated.

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