Stéphanie Bru and Alexandre Theriot founded the Paris-based studio Bruther in 2007. They belong to the generation of architects who launched their careers at the beginning of the recession, a condition likely reflected in the way they define architecture: like a Swiss Army knife, a tool to be used in the most disparate circumstances, an aid that reconciles all fields of knowledge. The fiberglass pavilion is a project (or “specimen”) led by Theriot’s Chair of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich. It is part of a wider research on glass as a performative material. In this publication, the process of this prototype’s conception and fabrication is related in texts and behind-the-scenes images.
Stéphanie Bru and Alexandre Theriot founded the Paris-based studio Bruther in 2007. They belong to the generation of architects who launched their careers at the beginning of the recession, a condition likely reflected in the way they define architecture: like a Swiss Army knife, a tool to be used in the most disparate circumstances, an aid that reconciles all fields of knowledge. The fiberglass pavilion is a project (or “specimen”) led by Theriot’s Chair of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich. It is part of a wider research on glass as a performative material. In this publication, the process of this prototype’s conception and fabrication is related in texts and behind-the-scenes images.