An unrivaled photographic journey through time and geography, Frédéric Chaubin’s Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed gathers 90 buildings in 14 former Soviet Republics, each built between 1970 and 1990. In their local exoticism, outlandish ideologies, and puzzle of styles, these vast, weird, and wonderful buildings are extraordinary remnants of a fallen system and state.
size: 14 x 19.5 cm
An unrivaled photographic journey through time and geography, Frédéric Chaubin’s Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed gathers 90 buildings in 14 former Soviet Republics, each built between 1970 and 1990. In their local exoticism, outlandish ideologies, and puzzle of styles, these vast, weird, and wonderful buildings are extraordinary remnants of a fallen system and state.
size: 14 x 19.5 cm