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De nieuwe traditie. Continuïteit en vernieuwing in de Nederlandse architectuur | Hans Ibelings, Vincent van Rossem | 9789085066927

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De nieuwe traditie

Continuity and Renewal in Dutch Architecture

Auteur:Hans Ibelings, Vincent van Rossem


ISBN: 978-90-8506-692-7

  • Hardcover
  • Nederlands, Engels
  • 288 pagina's
  • 16 mrt. 2009

This publication examines the scale and the significance (from both a historical and a contemporary perspective) of contemporary traditionalism. Through a number of general themes, the book presents a way of thinking, a perspective on houses, neighbourhoods, villages, suburbs, cities and landscapes.

'The New Tradition' is an architectural reorientation on traditionalism. This reorientation is beginning to take place, both in construction practice and in architectural criticism and history.

Since the mid-nineteen nineties new approaches have arisen in architecture, urban construction and landscape architecture, in which continuity and building on tradition are central. The way in which such approaches relate to context, tradition and history is unmistakably contemporary, even though the results sometimes look like something we’ve seen before.

This publication examines the scale and the significance (from both a historical and a contemporary perspective) of contemporary traditionalism. Through a number of general themes, the book presents a way of thinking, a perspective on houses, neighbourhoods, villages, suburbs, cities and landscapes.

The book deals not only with the work of prominent architect and offices such as Sjoerd Soeters, Scala, Molenaar & van Winden, Krier & Kohl and Mulleners & Mulleners, but also with architects who are less often in the limelight, such as Diederik Six, Friso Woudstra, Peter Verschuren and Pim Hienkens.

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