This comprehensive investigation focuses on Atelier Markgraph, a Frankfurt-based spatial design agency. It delves into the agency’s portfolio through the lens of encounters, which serve as a conceptual framework. Seven distinct features are employed to capture the essence of the Atelier’s professional endeavours and insights. Encounter takes various forms in these features, encompassing thresholds, spectral elements, metabolist dynamics, patterns, convivial scenarios, migrating occurrences and plastic manifestations. The text showcases AM’s meticulous examination of these various modes of interaction.
Atelier Markgraph’s selected projects evoke a diverse range of sociability and intimacy, shedding light on the lives of individuals within society and the built environment. These projects revive visions of collisions, enduring experiences, personal connections, public discoveries and private embraces. Through essays and case studies, this book highlights the Atelier’s pioneering approach to world-building, seamlessly integrating technological sophistication into their immersive spatial narratives.
The chapter titled ‘Thresholds’ delves into the interface condition and its role in organizing objects and subjects, creating defined encounters along edges. ‘Spectres’ presents designs that evoke ghostly and transient settings for meaningful interactions. ‘Metabolisms’ situates encounters within a universe of pulses, cycles and machine-like transformations. ‘Patterns’ examines how a repetitive array of objects positions individuals within new constellations, fostering improved ways of meeting. ‘Convivialities’ emphasizes the social nature of human interactions, celebrating friendly and supportive circumstances. ‘Migrations’ focuses on movement and dynamism, crafting projects where encounters become fluid and open-ended. Lastly, ‘Plasticities’ explores interactions between subjects, sculptural bodies and environments, which intricately shape and transform project spaces.
These projects represent a deliberate and multidimensional selection of Atelier Markgraph’s work, offering a thought-provoking exploration of encounters by design.
This comprehensive investigation focuses on Atelier Markgraph, a Frankfurt-based spatial design agency. It delves into the agency’s portfolio through the lens of encounters, which serve as a conceptual framework. Seven distinct features are employed to capture the essence of the Atelier’s professional endeavours and insights. Encounter takes various forms in these features, encompassing thresholds, spectral elements, metabolist dynamics, patterns, convivial scenarios, migrating occurrences and plastic manifestations. The text showcases AM’s meticulous examination of these various modes of interaction.
Atelier Markgraph’s selected projects evoke a diverse range of sociability and intimacy, shedding light on the lives of individuals within society and the built environment. These projects revive visions of collisions, enduring experiences, personal connections, public discoveries and private embraces. Through essays and case studies, this book highlights the Atelier’s pioneering approach to world-building, seamlessly integrating technological sophistication into their immersive spatial narratives.
The chapter titled ‘Thresholds’ delves into the interface condition and its role in organizing objects and subjects, creating defined encounters along edges. ‘Spectres’ presents designs that evoke ghostly and transient settings for meaningful interactions. ‘Metabolisms’ situates encounters within a universe of pulses, cycles and machine-like transformations. ‘Patterns’ examines how a repetitive array of objects positions individuals within new constellations, fostering improved ways of meeting. ‘Convivialities’ emphasizes the social nature of human interactions, celebrating friendly and supportive circumstances. ‘Migrations’ focuses on movement and dynamism, crafting projects where encounters become fluid and open-ended. Lastly, ‘Plasticities’ explores interactions between subjects, sculptural bodies and environments, which intricately shape and transform project spaces.
These projects represent a deliberate and multidimensional selection of Atelier Markgraph’s work, offering a thought-provoking exploration of encounters by design.