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Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965. The Complete Catalogue Raisonné | Arthur Rüegg | 9783858817280

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Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965

The Complete Catalogue Raisonné

Auteur:Arthur Rüegg

Uitgever:Scheidegger & Spiess

ISBN: 978-3-85881-728-0

  • Hardcover
  • Engels
  • 352 pagina's
  • 20 jul. 2012

Le Corbusier, one of the world’s most important and influential architects and accomplished visual artist, has also created a vast oeuvre of interior and furniture designs. The chaise-longue LC4, the armchair LC2 or the sling chair LC1, which were done in cooperation with Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand, have become icons of 20th-century design. However, Le Corbusier’s contribution to modern interior design reaches far beyond these well-known classics.

The book Le Corbusier - Furniture and Interiors 1905–1965 is both, comprehensive monograph of Le Corbusier’s work in interior design and catalogue raisonné. The main essay is richly illustrated and arranged in four chronological parts: I) Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (1905–17); II) Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret (1922–27); III) le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret & Charlotte Perriand (1927–37); IV) Le Corbusier (1938–65).

Le Corbusier, one of the world’s most important and influential architects and accomplished visual artist, has also created a vast oeuvre of interior and furniture designs. The chaise-longue LC4, the armchair LC2 or the sling chair LC1, which were done in cooperation with Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand, have become icons of 20th-century design. However, Le Corbusier’s contribution to modern interior design reaches far beyond these well-known classics.

The book Le Corbusier - Furniture and Interiors 1905–1965 is both, comprehensive monograph of Le Corbusier’s work in interior design and catalogue raisonné. The main essay is richly illustrated and arranged in four chronological parts: I) Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (1905–17); II) Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret (1922–27); III) le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret & Charlotte Perriand (1927–37); IV) Le Corbusier (1938–65).

All items in the catalogue raisonné section are depicted and documented in all detail, giving highly valuable information for art historians, dealers and collectors alike:

– measurements and materials
– no. of pieces produced
– manufacturers
– location/provenance
– available documents
– exhibitions
– literature
– detailed description.

Houses or apartments for which Le Corbusier did entire interior designs are also described in full detail with illustrations.

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