Filmic Mapping. Documentary Film and the Visual Culture of Landscape Architecture. LANDSCRIPT 2 | Christophe Girot, Albert Kirchengast | 9783868592115

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Documentary Film and the Visual Culture of Landscape Architecture. LANDSCRIPT 2

Auteur:Christophe Girot, Albert Kirchengast


ISBN: 978-3-86859-211-5

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 295 pagina's
  • 11 jan. 2013

Filmic Mapping examines forms of 'land measurement' primarily through documentary and essay films of the past 10 years. It investigates the meaning of landscape for contemporary society through phenomenological film analysis and makes an open plea for a complex view on the landscape of today and its visual representation.

Filmic Mapping examines forms of 'land measurement' primarily through documentary and essay films of the past 10 years. It investigates the meaning of landscape for contemporary society through phenomenological film analysis and makes an open plea for a complex view on the landscape of today and its visual representation.

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