Framing Urban Renewal in Flanders

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Framing Urban Renewal in Flanders

Auteur:André Loeckx, Bruno De Meulder, Veronique Patteeuw


ISBN: 978-90-8506-751-1

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 272 pagina's
  • 27 mei 2009

At the end of the twentieth century the cities of Barcelona, London and Berlin set the tone for European urban renewal. Thanks to a unique approach, Flanders now seems to have taken the lead: the so-called Concept Subsidy enables smaller towns to develop high-quality urban renewal projects. This book offers a critical review of the six years in which 15 towns received this subsidy.

At the end of the twentieth century the cities of Barcelona, London and Berlin set the tone for European urban renewal. Thanks to a unique approach, Flanders now seems to have taken the lead: the so-called Concept Subsidy enables smaller towns to develop high-quality urban renewal projects. This book offers a critical review of the six years in which 15 towns received this subsidy.

'Framing Urban Renewal in Flanders' presents the evolution of urban development related to spatial planning, socio-economic activities and cultural heritage in Flanders. Special attention is given to the concept funding, a Flemish financial support and individual guidance for the development of a solid project base and an innovating project vision.

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