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Planting in a post-wild world. Designing Plant Communities for Resilient Landscapes | Thomas Rainer, Claudia West | 9781604695533

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Designing Plant Communities for Resilient Landscapes

Auteur:Thomas Rainer, Claudia West


ISBN: 978-16-04695-5-33

  • Hardcover
  • Engels
  • 272 pagina's
  • 1 okt. 2015

Thomas Rainer and Claudia West, two leaders in ecological landscape design offer tips, instructions and practical advice for creating beautiful and diverse gardens and landscapes that function in the same way as naturally occurring plant communities.

Over time, with industrialization and urban sprawl, we have driven nature out of our neighborhoods and cities. But we can invite it back by designing landscapes that look and function more like they do in the wild: robust, diverse, and visually harmonious. Planting in a Post-Wild World by Thomas Rainer and Claudia West is an inspiring call to action dedicated to the idea of a new nature a hybrid of both the wild and the cultivated that can flourish in our cities and suburbs. This is both a post-wild manifesto and practical guide that describes how to incorporate and layer plants into plant communities to create an environment that is reflective of natural systems and thrives within our built world.

Thomas Rainer and Claudia West, two leaders in ecological landscape design offer tips, instructions and practical advice for creating beautiful and diverse gardens and landscapes that function in the same way as naturally occurring plant communities.

Over time, with industrialization and urban sprawl, we have driven nature out of our neighborhoods and cities. But we can invite it back by designing landscapes that look and function more like they do in the wild: robust, diverse, and visually harmonious. Planting in a Post-Wild World by Thomas Rainer and Claudia West is an inspiring call to action dedicated to the idea of a new nature a hybrid of both the wild and the cultivated that can flourish in our cities and suburbs. This is both a post-wild manifesto and practical guide that describes how to incorporate and layer plants into plant communities to create an environment that is reflective of natural systems and thrives within our built world.

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