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Thinking the Contemporary Landscape | Chistophe Girot, Dora Imhof | 9781616895204

Thinking the Contemporary Landscape

Auteur:Girot, Christopher


ISBN: 978-1-61689-520-4

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 288 pagina's
  • 25 okt. 2016

On the heels of our groundbreaking books in landscape architecture, James Corner's Recovering Landscape and Charles Waldheim's Landscape Urbanism Reader, comes another essential reader, . Examining our shifting perceptions of nature and place in the context of environmental challenges and how these affect urbanism and architecture, the seventeen essayists in argue for an all-encompassing view of landscape that integrates the scientific, intellectual, aesthetic, and mythic into a new multidisciplinary understanding of the contemporary landscape. A must-read for anyone concerned about the changing nature of our landscape in a time of climate crisis.

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