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Kindergartens. Educational Spaces | Michelle Galindo | 9783037680490

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Educational Spaces

Auteur:Michelle Galindo


ISBN: 978-3-03768-049-0

  • Hardcover
  • Engels
  • 272 pagina's
  • 15 okt. 2010

Today’s kindergartens are characterized by ample space for play and movement, opportunities for creative work as well as colorful room and façade design. In collaboration with educators and architects, interior and open spaces are being developed that according to need, encourage and inspire children to romp, play, or live out a fantasy. The focus of contemporary kindergarten architecture is based on the needs of the children, for whom the rooms, furniture and gardens are designed.

This title presents projects from around the world that have imaginatively and impressively mastered this architectural challenge.

Today’s kindergartens are characterized by ample space for play and movement, opportunities for creative work as well as colorful room and façade design. In collaboration with educators and architects, interior and open spaces are being developed that according to need, encourage and inspire children to romp, play, or live out a fantasy. The focus of contemporary kindergarten architecture is based on the needs of the children, for whom the rooms, furniture and gardens are designed.

This title presents projects from around the world that have imaginatively and impressively mastered this architectural challenge. The featured kindergartens, day care and pre-school facilities show how the design of interiors and grounds appropriate for children fosters their joy in creative play and learning.

Features projects such as:

- Kindergarten in Sighartstein, Austria (Kadawittfeldarchitektur)
- Els Colors in Barcelona, Spain (RCR Arquitectes)
- Taka-Tuka-Land in Berlin, Germany (Baupiloten)
- Bubbletecture M in Shiga, Japan (Shuhei Endo)
- Kindergarten in Ramat-Hasharon, Israel (Lev-Gargir Architects)

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