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thinking, acting, letting go. Three decades of rejigging landscape | H+N+S Landscape Architects | 9789492474346 | blauwdruk

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thinking, acting, letting go

Three decades of rejigging landscape | H+N+S Landscape Architects

Auteur:Marieke Berkers, Tijs van den Boomen, Hans van der Meer, Siebe Zwart


ISBN: 9789492474346

  • Paperback
  • Nederlands, Engels
  • 216 pagina's
  • 14 apr. 2021

Ever since their successful debut with Plan Stork over thirty years ago, H+N+S Landscape architects has played a leading role in Dutch landscape architecture. The firm’s designs are a testament to their deep insights and long-term perspectives. Water management and our relationship with nature feature strongly in their work.

During the past three decades the practice has evolved from primarily a ’thinking office’ to becoming a ‘making office’ as well, across all aspects of the profession. A constant factor throughout has been their unique combination of sound knowledge and an inspirational spirit of inquiry. Examples are the design for Maasvlakte II, which blends functionality with enjoyment of nature, relocating a road in Leuven to make way for the wonderful Belle-Vue Park, the new types of dike that impart extra elan to the area development along the river Meuse, and the housing complex that gives a new lease of life to allotment gardens in Alkmaar.

This richly illustrated publication showcases over thirty projects by H+N+S, with contributions from Hans van der Meer and Siebe Swart. Large gatefold pages make the reader feel part of the landscape. Marieke Berkers interviewed the old and new management about what drives them and Tijs van den Boomen draws on a series of roundtable discussions with clients, former employees, partners and observers – to write about three decades of thinking, acting and letting go.

Ever since their successful debut with Plan Stork over thirty years ago, H+N+S Landscape architects has played a leading role in Dutch landscape architecture. The firm’s designs are a testament to their deep insights and long-term perspectives. Water management and our relationship with nature feature strongly in their work.

During the past three decades the practice has evolved from primarily a ’thinking office’ to becoming a ‘making office’ as well, across all aspects of the profession. A constant factor throughout has been their unique combination of sound knowledge and an inspirational spirit of inquiry. Examples are the design for Maasvlakte II, which blends functionality with enjoyment of nature, relocating a road in Leuven to make way for the wonderful Belle-Vue Park, the new types of dike that impart extra elan to the area development along the river Meuse, and the housing complex that gives a new lease of life to allotment gardens in Alkmaar.

This richly illustrated publication showcases over thirty projects by H+N+S, with contributions from Hans van der Meer and Siebe Swart. Large gatefold pages make the reader feel part of the landscape. Marieke Berkers interviewed the old and new management about what drives them and Tijs van den Boomen draws on a series of roundtable discussions with clients, former employees, partners and observers – to write about three decades of thinking, acting and letting go.

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