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Topos 75. Sydney - London - New York

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Topos 75. Sydney - London - New York


  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 15 jun. 2011

Three cosmopolitan cities face up to the challenges of the 21st century and prepare themselves for the future. Tasks to be considered are: flood prevention, infrastructure planning and a new exposure to parks and green areas in the cities. Topos 75 reports about long-term targets and current projects of these three cities.

Three cosmopolitan cities face up to the challenges of the 21st century and prepare themselves for the future. Tasks to be considered are: flood prevention, infrastructure planning and a new exposure to parks and green areas in the cities. Topos 75 reports about long-term targets and current projects of these three cities.

Future Urban Visions from Sydney’s Fleeting Past

For one crystalline moment in history Sydney had a balance between development and natural systems. This must be achieved again to sustain Sydney’s unique heritage and landscape with the demands of a growing urban population. Author: Tyrrell, Mark

The Evolving Urban Park
A vibrant set of new parks in Sydney reach for a more sophisticated understanding of their context and offer a new interpretation of the role of the contemporary park in Sydney life. Author: Gallagher, Libby

Reconciling Barangaroo
The most controversial project along Sydney’s harbor projects a glossy image, but the picture is incomplete. The Arcadian ideal and truth of development are at odds in this significant project. Author: Trimble, Marcus

Parramatta Road: Infrastructure as the Opposite of Growth
It is conceivable that the paradigm of sustained growth will shift dramatically in the future, led by climate changes that force the hand of human progress toward strategies of survival. Author: Raxworthy, Julian

A Network Structure for a Landscape City - Sydney at 12 million
The tide of development will continue to come into Sydney as surely as it flows in the picturesque harbor. Looking toward the Central Business District, the city structure will change markedly in coming years. Author: Allchin, Craig

Planning on the Waterfront
Commissioner Amanda Burden leads the NYC Department of City Planning in the development of Vision 2020, which will strengthen New York’s identity as a world-class harbor city for generations to come. Author: Burden, Amanda M.

New York City´s High Performance Parks And Landscape Renewal
Comissioner Adrian Benepe presents plans by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation for the future of New York City’s public open spaces, featuring the new High Performance Landscape Guidelines. Author: Benepe, Adrian, Compton, Jeannette

NYC Plaza Program: Opening Doors for Open Space
Streets make up the majority of public space in New York and a new innovative program turns them into plazas for the enjoyment of all. photo: NYC Department of Transportation. Author: Sadik-Khan, Janette

New York Harbour: A Local Treasure
As New York reactivates and rediscovers its waterfront, the Department of Environmental Planning works to promote and maintain the heath of waterways citywide. Author: Holloway, Caswell F. (Cas)

The East London Green Grid – 21st Century Infrastructure
London has been formed by the landscapes of the Thames and its tributaries. Its centre is defined by a distinguished legacy of town squares, avenues and most notably its great parks, which have been an inspiration to the world since the 17th century. Author: Dean, Jamie

London’s Olympic Legacy Landscapes
Though the events associated with the 2012 Olympics are temporary they enable a transformation of the surrounding Lea Valley that will endure over time. Author: Fawcett, Eleanor, Jones, Nathan

The Spatial Implications of Green Industries
The Green Enterprise District of East London will bring a spate of new and ecologically sensitive development projects to the fore, and inspire further green development throughout London. Author: Lösing, Judith, Spencer, Angela

Rubbish in, Resources out
The consideration of the cultural and visual impact of waste disposal can yield beautiful solutions to integrate waste managment structures directly into the city. Author: Dow, Biba

Upper Lee Valley
These legacy landscapes provide instances of rare and wild beauty. As part of the East London Green Grid, they are supported by a strategy that enhances this network and ensures their continued existence. Author: Mann, William

Energy Masterplanning and Urbanism
One quarter of London’s energy will come from decentralized heat sources by 2025. The London Thames Gateway Heat Network is the first part of a comprehensive network that will revolutionize London’s energy grid. Author: Holbrook, Tom, Kirk, Paula

Barking Riverside: a Landscape Approach for Adapting to Climate Change
A holistic solution, presented by Gustafson Porter, of water chains, rain gardens, storm water planters, swales, attenuation ponds, creeks and floodplains ensures the former brownfield site is ready for coming climate-change events.Author: Locher, Lot

Estuarine Landscape
The consideration of the rich history of this landscape along the Thames holds clues for its treatment over the next hundred years as its role in flooding events comes to the fore given projected climate shifts. Author: Beard, Peter

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