Volume 44. ON DISPLAY | 9789077966440 | Volume magazine | ARCHIS

Volume 44. ON DISPLAY


ISBN: 978-90-7796644-0

  • Paperback
  • Engels
  • 144 pagina's
One of architecture’s histories is that of the art of display: architecture displaying power, political ambition, economic success, social agendas, or less mundane notions like dreams, convictions and belief. These days architecture has also become subjected to display: the display of architecture – in museums and collections, and in auctions for example. That adds but also distracts meaning; not every aspect of architecture can be displayed as easy. And what does a culture of display (be seen or perish) add to this condition? Thinking of the value of architecture beyond purely financial terms, ‘display’ is a factor of influence. For better or for worse.

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